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The Conscious Lair
Online Tribe for Women
Mind - Body - Emotion - Community - Ecospirituality
You have nothing to learn, just something to remember
The Women's Home
A safe space to be reborn.
The Lair is not a theoretical academy.
It is an online tribe (and occasionally face-to-face) of love, support and compassion, where you will meet women like you, you will form a community, you will be supported and you will live from non-judgment.
Our already validated method is based on an annual program of two therapeutic sessions per week.
Every month we work on the themes that we have verified that make women suffer the most. Our sessions will help you manage your unpleasant thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations, as well as deepen your self-knowledge, the basis of Personal Freedom.
In addition, for being a member of our Guarida, you will have exclusive discounts and free access to different workshops and events that we are doing, as well as the Moon Rituals, Craft Workshops, and much more. And you will belong to the privileged women who will be notified exclusively, before anyone else, about everything we do, this includes our Women's Retreats, so you don't run out of your place.
Because we want you to have the life you want and deserve.
Beneficios de Ser Socia
Puedes acudir a mis encuentros sin ser socia,
pero si eres socia estos son tus beneficios
Entrada anticipada y 20 % de descuento en mis talleres de autoestima, trauma, niña interior...
(No incluye talleres para profesionales, se avisa por correo)
2 Talleres Exclusivos valorados en 50 euros cada uno:
Sanando a Las Niñas Interiores y Sanando la Dependencia Emocional
Acceso a 4 módulos de curso:
Donde aprenderás a vivir más slow y llevar la vida que deseas.
+ de 2000 mujeres ya han cambiado sus vidas en nuestros espacios.
+ de medio millón de personas nos siguen en Redes Sociales.
Tenemos una comunidad de más de 1800 mujeres.
Mejor precio/calidad
Membresía anual guarida
Valid for 12 months
Un solo pago y durante 1 año tienes:
Descuento del 20% en nuestros cursos y talleres*
20% de descuento en nuestra tienda (ebooks, masterclass...)
Puedes reservar plaza en nuestros eventos antes que nadie.
El pago NO se renueva automáticamente, despreocúpate
*Productos seleccionados, te enviamos email para inscribirte
Próximo taller que estoy creando:
Detecta al narcisista y sana las
heridas que te dejó
Las socias tendrán 20% de descuento y acceso anticipado.
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