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The Conscious Lair

Online Tribe for Women
Mind - Body - Emotion - Community - Ecospirituality

You have nothing to learn, just something to remember

Upcoming Events

  • Florecer desde dentro: cómo las heridas de la infancia influyen en tu autosabotaje (Grabado/diferido)
    Florecer desde dentro: cómo las heridas de la infancia influyen en tu autosabotaje (Grabado/diferido)
    Membership Offer
    Thu, 22 Feb
    Diferido / Grabado
    22 Feb 2024, 20:00 – 21 Feb 2025, 22:00
    Diferido / Grabado
    22 Feb 2024, 20:00 – 21 Feb 2025, 22:00
    Diferido / Grabado
    Este encuentro fue un espacio dedicado a comprender y abordar las heridas emocionales que han dejado huellas en ti, influyendo en el autosabotaje y en la construcción de nuestra autoestima. En este taller, nos sumergiremos juntas en un viaje introspectivo, combinando herramientas poderosas.

Weekly therapeutic meetings
Our already validated therapeutic program is a path towards your well-being, self-knowledge and healing. You will work on the main emotional pains that affect women, on a path where each month is a new step towards healing. You will do it surrounded by women like you, committed to themselves and to achieving the life they want.

Discover here the path you will follow.

What topics can I work on?

permanently, you will be healing and empowering:

Self esteem,Self-love,High Sensitivity, Inner Child, Empowerment, Dependence,Anxiety, Unconscious Patterns and Beliefs, Managing Difficult Emotions, Eating, Compassion,Veganism, Minimalism,Zero Waste, Homemade Cosmetics, Conscious Menstruation, Nature Rhythms,Moons, Energy of the month,chakras...

AreSpecialists in Conscious and Slow Life, without Anxiety or Obsessions.

A tribe where you can belong without demands or perfectionism.

And in the Video Resources:

You'll find:


Psychoanalysis, Psychology, Trauma, Nutrition, Art Therapy and Therapeutic Writing, Meditation, Mindfulness, Spirituality, Astrology, Mindful Parenting, Yoga, Microbiota, Non-Toxic Cosmetics and much more.


These Resources are accessible to all members 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

With them you can calm down and work on self-knowledge, healing and lifestyle independently.

Otras Masterclass e Ebooks.

Can't you decide?
You can join our community for Women on Telegram, it's free. There we inform you of news, workshops, courses. Remember that you must have Telegram installed... And we also share valuable information. The members of La Guarida have a private group just for them where they can make a community, with exclusive content, on Discord.

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